Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Some day, this is how it will be. Dial 9-1-1

"You have reached the AERRS Automated Emergency Report and Response System. (To Continue in English, Press 1" for Spanish, press 2; for Arabic, Korean, Vietnamese, tagalog or Dutch, press "3"; For Japanese, call Japan.
"If the emrgency is one of the following, press the assigned number on your touch-tone phone. If you do not have a touch-tone phone, call again when you get one. If you accept these terms of service, press ."1"
"For flood, press "1""For Earthquake, between magnitude 3,5 and 4,5, press "2" ;Magnitude 4.5 and 6.0, press "3"; Magnitude 6.0 and 7.8, press "4"; for a seismic event in excess of 7.8, press "5"; If you do not know the magnitude of the event, press the "#" sign. We will connect you to the National Earthquake Center in Boulder, Colorado for a fee of $5.95 charged to your phone.."For Accidental injury, press "6""For Robbery, burglary, indecent exposure, or shots fired , press "7""For all other emergencies, Call 1-866-247-8000, Extn 10126 between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. Atlantic Time.
"You have selected an emergency that rates low on our RPS: Response Priority Scale. If you wish to consider further choices to select from, press "#". Otherwise hang up and make room for the next yo-yo. Good bye."
Hang up.
Yes, it was a case of "shots fired". They were fired at the caller.May be that was part of the Advanced Choices list. But they hung up.

The Advanced Choice List:
"Were the shots accurately aimed?" Rate them on a scale of 1 to 10
"Did the shots miss?" For Yes, press "1" ; Not sure, press "2"
"What was the make and model of the gun used? " For AK-47, press "1"; for Uzi, press "2"; for U.S.Army issue RPG, press "3"
"If you were hit, were you hit on a part of your body?" For Head, press "1"; for Thorax, press "2"; for Abdomen, press "3'; for limbs, press the wound with a pressure pad and go to the nearest Urgent Care Center."
"Are you able to breathe, swallow, spit, swear, run, jump hurdles or knit a sock?

Modern Technology is wonderful.Who neds human beings?

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